Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Name! New Look!

Hope you are all having a great Saturday! I have spent a large part of my day making some changes on my blog and Face Book. The name was changed to "High Vibes Life" to better express the central focus of the blog.
Over the past couple years I have learned so much about following the path of your JOY and how everything we think and feel falls somewhere on an energetic vibrational scale, from the lowest vibes of sadness, anger and depression, to the the highest vibes of happiness, love and JOY! Coming to understand this has revolutionized the way I live my life and has produced a major paradigm shift within. I am learning more all the time, and have come to see that following the path of your joy is the way to manifest more and more happiness and personal fulfillment in one's life. Also, the more we create a life of happiness from within, the higher vibrations we put out into our universe~ it has a rippling effect on our world at large. In fact, I believe it is the number one most powerful tool we have to change the world for the better.
I thank all of you who have loved and supported me this past year; it has meant a lot to me.
Please feel free to leave comments and questions. Also, it helps me out if you "like," "share," and/or comment on the blog posts that resonate with you.
This year I want to try and increase my blog followers; after all, I am writing to reach out!
I have an initial goal of hitting 100 likes on my Face Book Fan Page; I plan on celebrating with a give-away to one of my followers, by random drawing.
I appreciate helpful comments and suggestions on how I can make my blog more meaningful to you.

Happy New Year! 

May your future be bright- and may you always find yourself living the "High Vibes Life!"


  1. You have come along way and you have blossomed like a fkower! You look so beautiful ! You have been brave and have done a wonderful job with healing and being happy. I love your blog! You share so much helpful information on what you have learned. I particularly enjoy your videos and your beautiful nature pictures.

  2. Thank you Vanessa! I appreciate the kind words- they are encouraging!
