Friday, May 22, 2015

Fear is the Root of All Unhappiness

This morning I came across another awesome quote from Mahatma Gandhi which resonated so deeply within me:

If I have learned anything is this life, this has been my most profound and powerful lesson. I can honestly say that fear is the root of every prejudice, hatred, bully, war, insecurity, insanity- every ill will you can think of. Some people believe that the love of money is the root, or pride or the thirst for power; yet, these are all tentacles off the root of fear.

The love of money comes from a place of fearing we will not have enough, or we will have less than someone else, which may then be seen as we are less than others. Money induces a sense of security and control over our lives. Losing money makes one fear what might happen to them.
Pride comes from a place of fear; if you think about it, the reason someone appears prideful, is because they are afraid of being seen as weak or wrong. A fear of being wrong will sabotage a persons ability to see clearly.
The thirst for power comes from a fear of being overpowered, and possibly hurt by others.

It is not until we root up fear in our lives that we can have true peace, happiness and love.
It is written in the Bible, "Perfect love casts out fear for fear is tormenting." (1 John 4:18)

I have personally had to battle many fears throughout my life; and each fear I have overcome has led to bliss, greater faith in God, more hope for the sad conditions we see in the world, and a deeper love for all living beings.

All the things we are trying to attain to and to take hold of here slips away like sand through a sieve. Nothing ever remains except, "Faith hope and love, these three; and the greatest of these is LOVE!" (1 Cor. 13:13)

If you really give yourself time to meditate on this, you will see the truth of Gandhi's words. We hate what waters and feeds our deepest fears. The fastest way to all we have ever desired is to cast out fear. But that is easier said than done.

One way that has been helpful to me is what I call the Spiral Question and Challenge, an adaption from what I have learned from Teal Swan. I have found that emotions spiral, either up (higher vibes) or down (lower vibes). When your find them spiraling down, do not resist it but rather go with the flow asking the questions all the way down, "Is that true?" and "So what is so bad about that?"


Fear: "If (fill in the blank__________) I might lose my job!"
Is that true? yes!
So what is so bad about that?
"Well, if I lose my job, then I wont have any money."
Is that true? "Yes!"
So what is so bad about that?
"If I don't have any money, I will lose my home. My family will be on the streets."
Is that true? "Well...... maybe not in the streets but in a shelter."
So what is so bad about that?
"Shelters are dirty and humiliating."
Is that true? If so, what is so bad about that?
"We would get sick, and everyone will think I am a loser."
Is that true? "Well, we may get sick, and I guess not everyone would think that."
If both did come to pass. What is so bad about that?
"We would die and our life would be for nothing."
Is that true? Absolutely not!
That is a socially-constructed belief. Everything we experience in this life has a purpose, a lesson and a reason. 

Now lets spiral back up the same ladder....

  • We didn't get sick
  • Everyone didn't hate us, in fact, I was shocked at how many people cared and helped us out. 
  • We never ended up in a shelter because we were offered other places to live, which we didn't need to take because I actually found another job that ended up being a much better fit for me and pays more and really not only did things not go bad, they ended up better
  • My faith in humanity was restored. 

The ladder we spiraled down was the FEAR ladder. The one we climbed back up was the HOPE, FAITH and LOVE ladder.

Try it, on whatever your current greatest fear might be.

Overcome your fears and start living a life of happiness, rooted in faith, hope and love.
This is the essence of the High Vibes Life!

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