The power of words is AMAZING! I mean, take a look at these magnified water crystals, that Dr. Masaru Emoto took, as they were spoken to . . .
So yeah, I had to share the following video that talks about his experiment with words and rice and then shows four other people conducting the same experiment with similar results . . .
I was especially amazed at how indifference- lack of interest, concern, or sympathy; unimportant, can have a worse impact than even negative words. Having been treated with indifference myself, by people that should have cared, I have often said, being indifferent to someone, is one of the worse and most degrading things you can do to them- because, basically you are saying to them, you don't even matter! That is such a painful a message and one that is not easily overcome.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) parent fact sheet tells us that the MMR vaccine is very safe. It states that its worse side effect is a high fever and possibly a seizure and that this only happens in “1 out of every 3000” shots. But what are they not telling us?
Health Impact News researched the data on MMR vaccine related deaths, and found that in the USA there have been no deaths caused by the measles, over the past 10 years; In contrast, there have been 108 deaths reported as a result of a measles vaccination.
Why is this information not included in the CDC fact sheet given to parents? Granted, death by vaccine is extremely rare. However, a parent has the right to understand the true risks of the vaccinations, rather than be petted and soothed into consent.
These consensus facts tell me that the real hysteria ought to be focused more on the 108 deaths and the 1/3000 kids that are catching a fever and sometimes have a seizure because of the MMR shot.
Something else that baffles me is the lack of a list of ingredients in the shots. Literally everything out there that we consume into our bodies is required to give us a list of ingredients. Why not the vaccination parent fact sheet? Could it be because ingredients such as aborted human feces, spermicide, mercury and chicken embryo may evoke an entourage of questions that the doctors are unwilling, or even unequipped to answer?
2015 U.S. Measles Outbreaks:
Jan. 1 – Feb. 13:
141 people in 17 states and Washington DC were reported to have measles.
98-California, 11-Illinois, 7-Arizona, 4-Nevada, 4-Washington, 2-Nebraska, 2-New York, 2-South Dakota, 2-Utah, 1-Colorado, 1-Washington D.C., 1-Delaware, 1-Minnesota, 1-Michigan, 1-New Jersey, 1-Oregon, 1-Pennsylvania, 1-Texas.
There are approximately 320.09 million people in the US. But lets narrow
this down to just California where the "epidemic" is supposedly greatest. There are 37,253,956 people in California. There have
been 98 cases of measles in California; some of these cases were vaccinated. That makes the
measles outbreak in California to be 1 out of 380,142.4
None of these cases have been severe enough to hospitalize,
let alone die.
I would have to conclude that this so-called measles hysteria is more media-induced propaganda to pave the road for increased government control.
I am not for nor against vaccines. I believe that there is validity on both sides of the coin. However, I am against prejudice and stereotyping people because of their personal decision not to vaccinate. And more importantly, I am 100% against giving the government control of my right to make the best, informed decisions for my health and well as my children's health-
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. -DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
Heads up Californians! SB 277 Senate Bill is seeking to completely obliterate you as an individual and as a parent to have the right to reject being vaccinated. If this bill passes, you will no longer have a waver-right to vaccinations for yourself, or your children, unless a doctor gives consent that the vaccination is detrimental to your health. And believe me when I say, that will be extremely rare.
This is not about safety, this is about control. If this bill passes, your rights as a free American to make an informed decision, will be overrode. Your body is no longer your own. Your children no longer will be yours- they will be the states and eventually the government's property, for as I understand there is a similar federal bill being pushed.
Seriously, are we going to "consent" our freedoms completely away? This will mean that if you or your child have a reaction to a vaccine, and you cannot get a doctor to verify that (and believe me, that will be damn near impossible) you will be FORCED to continue on with something that is impairing and/or possibly ending your life! Are you willing to forfeit your own common sense and let other people think for you???
This juice will hydrate you, load you up with the super vitamin C, potassium, and a dose of anti-inflammatory bromelain. A very cleansing juice that will help to balance your body's pH and give you an energetic kick-start on your day.
3-4 large navel oranges
1 medium, juicy lemon
1 med-large grapefruit
1 cup fresh, cut-up pineapple (including softened core)
Peel all fruit, run through juicer;
stir in distilled water to personal taste!
Serve over ice if you want it to be really cold;
or enjoy as is!
As always, choose ripe, organic fruit whenever possible!
Day 5 is almost over and I am feeling a bit like pigging out on this Friday night! But woooooooooooaaaaaaaa....... NOPE!
Join me at Gibson Ranch for today's update and a little discussion on the topic of whether or not fasting is safe!
Day 4 - and I can hardly believe I made it this far. I felt a little hungry today, but nothing my all-natural, home made Gatorade didn't take care of. Do I miss solid food- you better believe it!!!
Today I filmed my update video on a nature trail at the college I attend.
Day 3, and I am going strong! Love for you to join me or give a little encouragement with a comment or a thumbs up!!!
Savory Veggie Green Juice
Add the following to your juicer- strain, stir and drink!
(Note: I use powder spirulina. I mixed it a with a little water to make a paste and then slowly add more water. Its very concentrated and green and needs to be premixed before stirring into juice at the end.)
4 large, very ripe, deep red Roma tomatoes
4 large stalks of celery
4 medium carrots
2 large kale leaves
1 2-3 inch slice of fresh fennel root with leaves and stem
1 large clove of garlic
1/2 white onion
Handful of cilantro
Stir in:
Spirulina mixture
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
You can find the Jolt Juice Recipe I made this morning here. I added a very ripe pear and a tsp of spirulina. I also added about 50% water to dilute the juice a bit. Made enough for this morning and this afternoon.
Day 2 and doing good! Going to school with water, Kombucha tea, and honey today. The Kombucha tea will add probiotics to my digestive system and the honey is in case my blood sugar drops and I feel weak or dizzy. I may have juice tonight; It depends on what my body tells me.
It's going to be a beautiful day!
Not found in the American Psychological Association’s (APA) DSM-V is a book of that is used to identify and define mental disorders. It is not considered a mental illness, yet it is a term that pops up frequently with a disparaging connotation behind it
Originally, codependency was used to describe those who were enablers of alcoholics, particularly the marriage partner. Today, codependency has a much broader spectrum of analysis
Break down codependency:
Co: joint, mutual, common
Dependency: subordinate, controlled by another
So we have here two or more individuals that control some aspect of the other. This is usually in the form of emotional control. There is much role playing in a codependency relationship, rather than authenticity. We have the victim/rescuer roles and they can interplay between partners, or, in other words, one can be in the victim role then change over to the rescuer role as the other now plays the victim role.
An article in “Psychology Today,” describes codependency as a:
close relationships where much of the love and intimacy in the relationship is experienced in the context of one person’s distress and the other’s rescuing or enabling. The helper shows love primarily through the provision of assistance and the other feels loved primarily when they receive assistance. The intense shared experiences of the other’s struggles and disasters and the helper’s rescues deepen the emotional connection and feelings of intimacy.
In the codependent relationship, the helper’s emotional enmeshment leads them to keenly feel the other’s struggles and to feel guilt at the thought of limiting their help or terminating the relationship. This motivates them to reduce the other’s suffering (and their own) by continued helping and makes them quick to back off of any limits they set.” (“Are You in a Codependent Relationship? Shawn M. Burn Ph.D, July 14, 2013,
Signs of codependency may include:
Inability to find happiness or fulfillment outside the relationship
Strong fears of abandonment
Finding your self-worth in being that special someone to the other person
Ignoring your own needs at the expense of taking care of the other person
General feelings of addiction withdraw whenever you move away from the relationship
Basically, an unhealthy relationship is when that relationship is more of an addiction, rather than a mutual, loving relationship. Addictive behaviors are seen in:
Feelings of euphoria- A fix for everything distressing and bad; Those feelings are very transient
Panic over losing or not having the “fix”
Unable to cope without the “fix”
Little or no sense of self, or self-worth without the “fix”
Isolation from friends and family due to the over obsession with the “fix”
The “fix” having complete control over your emotional state
The beginnings of any addiction is when we experience something that makes us feel really good, joyful, happy and we are relieved of intense distressing feelings of depression, abandonment, loneliness, pain or illness. But when this experience fades, the undesirable feelings resurface and overwhelm us. We don’t know how to alleviate these negative feelings and aspects of our lives and the only relief we have found was in the experience. So we seek it out, again and again, each time becoming more habitual and more needed to bring the desired relief.
Sooner or later we begin to realize that the “fix” although it may bring temporary relief from anxiety, depression and other unwanted feelings, it can never, ever take the pain completely away. In fact, the “fix” begins to become part of the problem, because it keeps us from recognizing, acknowledging and seeking help for the real issues that are causing our discomfort and unhappiness. It is not until we realize this that we begin our road to recovery.
Facing the real issues our pain is coming from can be one of the bravest and yet most life-impacting steps we ever take. Learning how to turn and face our pain, to validate it and to take care of our needs will little by little, eradicate the addiction.
Sometimes, what we are addicted to, is not in and of itself, harmful. But the addiction to it renders it harmful- such as a food addiction, or a relationship addiction.
The food, or the person (unless the person or food is unhealthy) are not bad- in fact, they are very needful to self-care. But when we grab onto anything in order to evade dealing with those aspects of life that are scary and uncomfortable, that becomes unhealthy.
So the short-hand of recovering from codependency is you have to deal with the core of your own wounds. If you break your foot, taking pain pills will only go so far. You have to deal with the break before you are going to heal. Otherwise, the pain pills will eventually cease to work.
Emotional trauma and injury is just as real, and has just as much devastating effects and physical trauma and injury.
In my scope of understanding, I see all relationship as being somewhat codependent. If you think about it, why else would you be in a relationship? If there is absolutely no dependency for comfort, validation and feeling needed, what is the need for an intimate relationship? If every relationship that was co-dependent broke up, we would have no more relationships.
A relationship becomes unhealthy when it becomes addictive- when one cannot find other sources for their basic emotional needs, and they hold the person in the relationship responsible for their needs being met.
Many people have had childhoods where their developing emotional needs were ignored and/or denied. Perhaps certain emotions such as anger or crying were unacceptable. Whenever I cried, my dad would call me a baby and tell me I was feeling sorry for myself. My mom would become very nervous and agitated if we cried and she was not comfortable with her own emotions. Anger was absolutely unacceptable and could result in punishment.
Many very religious homes hold emotional expectations on their children that are way beyond their emotional development, such as teaching them to ignore their own needs at the expense of others. This is cloaked in “nice” terms such as “self-sacrifice” or “unselfishness.”
In a child who has not even completely developed his or her sense of self, this can have devastating effects. Teenagers bred under this type of pressure may become very unhappy, sometimes reckless and even suicidal.
Whenever you press down who you are- your needs, your desires- you become DE-pressed!
Parents, who have not healed of their own wounds may project what they personally want or think they should be, onto their children, not accepting their child's uniqueness and autonomy. This is very prevalent in religious-based homes. It is one thing to teach a child about God, and another to insist they render themselves to this unseen and unknown God, to pacify the fears of parents. How can a child give their life that they do not fully yet possess, to and entity they cannot fully comprehend? Many times parents demand of their children the pious life that they themselves have not been able to master. Children are denied curiosity, self-exploration and expression and the space they need to be authentic; it’s all sacrificed at the religious altar of their parents.
Many parents believe they are raising a pious individual and find out too late that instead, they have created an insecure, self-destructive, shell of a person. The beautiful authentic child was lost long ago in the barrage of over-zealous and ignorant projections.
The child, now in a grown up body, yet still very emotionally under-developed, enters into relationships with the familiar aspects of control and manipulation.
The more aware we become, the more we are able to live our life with intention and purpose. Relationship should be entered into with agreement by both parties, rather than stumbled upon and waded through.